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HG Let IT Snow
Fabric > Manufacturer > Henry Glass > HG Let IT Snow
Aaah! Do you remember the excitement of a snow day and the first coast down the hill on your sled? How about the thrill of throwing that first snowball, building a snowman, or digging out a snow cave. And wasn't it wonderful to come home to that hot cup of chocolate with marshmallows on top to warm your cold fingers! Aaah! Winter is such a magical time. This fun and frosty flannel group remind us of those special moments that are sure to warm hearts, fingers, and toes after a fun winter's day!
Aaah! Do you remember the excitement of a snow day and the first coast down the hill on your sled? How about the thrill of throwing that first snowball, building a snowman, or digging out a snow cave. And wasn't it wonderful to come home to that hot cup of chocolate with marshmallows on top to warm your cold fingers! Aaah! Winter is such a magical time. This fun and frosty flannel group remind us of those special moments that are sure to warm hearts, fingers, and toes after a fun winter's day!
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